Welcome to our Website!

Hello there newcomers. As you may have already known, we have moved to a couple of domains before reaching to this one. If anyone was there during our early days using Wix, then congratulations. You are a part of history with our old site. Haha!

Please be wary that our move to this domain was necessary, as we don't want to give our support towards those that only conflicts harm to others we aren't able to meet face to face. It was easy to create with, but with its issues, and our eventual understanding of their true intentions, we have to. We hope it wasn't a huge issue to adjust to this new domain, as we are still learning coding language. Please be gentle, and patient as this page will become better in the long run. Thank you so much for reading.

Anyway, we're sure you're here for a good reason: either you love puzzles, just as much as we do (hence our company existence), or even better...


or if youre not looking for a job, would you like to check out our services?

Come on, and check us out! :D

This website belongs to the Cr4p organization/incoporated/company/whatever
Complex, Reused, And overdone Puzzles